At the Rome Maker Faire, which starts on the 14th of October 2016, Giovanni Battista Gallus, LL.M. Ph.D will present the Italian edition of the Drone Journalism Operation Manual, created by Matt Waite and Ben Kreimer of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln’s Drone Journalism Lab through generous support from the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation.
The Drone Journalism Lab Operations Manual is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International license and the Italian edition, created by Giovanni Battista Gallus and Paolo Zampella, has been released with the same license.
It is a practical manual for drone journalism, and has several suggested checklists, in order to foster flight security and awareness.
The Italian edition is not a mere translation of the original, but it is rather a customization of the Manual, with regard to the ENAC regulation, and the Italian law on personal data protection and Journalism ethics.
The manual is freely available, modifiable, downloadable, reusable, within the permissions granted by the CC-BY-SA license.