This year around, Carlo Piana and Alberto Pianon will be presenting at SFScon22: https://www.sfscon.it/talks/yocto-with-great-power-comes-legal-headache/
This year around, Carlo Piana and Alberto Pianon will be presenting at SFScon22: https://www.sfscon.it/talks/yocto-with-great-power-comes-legal-headache/
Array joins Software Defined Vehicle (SDV) Working Group in Eclipse, becomes supporter member, along with an impressive lineup. SDV is the project to define and create an open technology platform for the software defined vehicle of the future; focused on accelerating innovation of automotive-grade in-car software stacks using open source and open specifications We plan [...]
We have become a partner of Eclipse Foundation. Eclipse is one of the world largest and more important Free and Open Source Software hosting and specification settings foundations. In Eclipse Array will also join the Oniro Working Group as a Silver Member. Array is an array of IT lawyers concentrating in particular on Free and [...]
Also this year Array was there to celebrate the annual epiphany of Free Software crowds ad Fosdem in Brussels. Unfortunately, this still pandemic year was little more than a figure of speech. The entire event was held in an online form only, thanks to two pieces of Free Software: matrix.org and Jitsi. We had [...]
The on-going debate regarding the use of free and open source software in the Italian Public Administration (PA) seems to be coming to a satisfactory conclusion. Italian public administrations are now obliged to give priority to free and open source software. This preference, however, cannot be given without a "comparative assessment". One of the tasks [...]
An interview to Carlo Piana at the Open Source Day in Rome, November 2013.