
Who we are

Alberto Pianon

Alberto Pianon


Coming from a solid and long experience in Commercial Law, Alberto has accrued an outstanding position in dealing with all fields of IT law, from technology transfer to data protection to e-commerce and data protection. He’s leading Array’s innovative tooling initiatives in the field of Foss compliance and documentation. He covers the fast-developing North-Eastern lands of Italy an does also international work.
Carlo "Kappa" Piana

Carlo Piana


With 25+ years’ experience in IT law, Carlo is considered a world-class lawyer when it comes to law applied to [free] software and technology, in both transactional and litigation work. Chair of the Board of OSI and former GC of the FSFE, President of EuroITcounsel and member of United Nations UNTIL OS&IP advisory, is a leading figure in the Free/open source world and in the Digital Rights domain. He deals with many fields of IT law, from licensing and compliance, to open data, services contracts, trademarks and domain names, IT contracts, crypto and NFTs, antitrust, for the private as well as for the public sector.

Giovanni Battista Gallus

Giovanni Battista Gallus


With a long standing practice in Criminal Law, admitted before the Supreme Court, Giovanni Battista has become a pre-eminent expert in cybercrime and has been at the forefront of civil rights battles. ISO 27001 Certified Lead Auditor, Nexa Center an Hermes Center Fellow, his expertise covers Data Protection/Privacy, digital forensics and the many fields of IT law. DPO of several public entities, he is member of the Data Protection Commission of the National Bar Association.
Francesco Paolo Micozzi

Francesco Paolo Micozzi


Criminal lawyer specializing in IT Law, privacy, cybersecurity, copyright. Member of the working groupo at Fondazione Italiana per l’Innovazione Forense (FIIF) at the National Bar. Member by appointment of the National Bar at the “Surveillance” e “E-justice” workgroups,  in Bruxelles at the CCBE (Conseil des Barreaux Européens).
Guglielmo Troiano

Guglielmo Troiano


With a technical background coming from al long experience as an IT Analyst for several years before practicing law, he has an in-depth expertise in civil and commercial law and has built a strong practice in data protection a field in which today Guglielmo primarily focuses, as advisor and Data Protection Officer (DPO) of large international clients’ branches in Italy and domestic enterprises alike.
Simone Aliprandi

Simone Aliprandi


Lawyer and Academic fellow, holding a PhD in Information Society, he is one of the main experts on copyleft, Creative Commons and innovative models of copyright management, topics on which he has published many articles and books. He is involved in wide spectrum legal advice activity along with lecturing and scientific divulgation.
Michela Pintus

Michela Pintus

Lawyer, she deals mainly with criminal law, ICT law and data protection law; in these subjects she has successfully completed important specialization courses at the CNF, the University of Milan and the IIP. She is part of the Privacy Team of various public and private entities, and she carries out consultancy and privacy assessment activities. Author of publications on privacy and data protecion, she is among the founding members of the UNIDPO Association (Italian National Union of Data Protection Officer).
Alba Calia

Alba Calia

Graduated with a dissertation in Legal Informatics entitled “The Open Access”, she collaborates with the Chair of Legal Informatics and Principles of Philosophy of Law at the University of Cagliari. In 2018 she qualified as an Attorney at Law and earned her Master degree in Competition and Innovation Law at the LUISS School of Law. As a lawyer, she deals mainly with data protection law and legal informatics, topics on which she has published scientific articles and performed lectures.


We work as a networked team specializing in Information Technology Law.

What we do


Drafting and reviewing licensing strategies, technological standards and interoperability in Italian and European Union competition laws, advising Free Software and open source software projects.

This is, undoubtedly, the specialty for which we are most renown.

License compatibility and licensing auditing, including via Fossology scan analysis, software projects legal validation and auditing, especially in the embedded systems domain

Thanks to groundbreaking work on the interaction between interoperability and competition, we are able to offer very targeted consultancy and services to protect against abuse of dominant positions; activities in the Standard Setting Bodies (SSB), competition in standardisation;

Software procurement rules, policies; reuse policies and licensing; licensing of public-sector made software; lobbying and public outreach;

Open Source AI and models, CNN and LLM, copyright, database right connected to them, derivativeness, use in standards’ reference implementations.


Drafting, reviewing and negotiation of contracts for TMT products and services in B2C and B2B contexts; outsourcing of information systems and network services, software development contracts, web site/webapp development, release of multimedia works and new media contents.

Outsourcing of information systems and network services, software licensing and subcontracting agreements, software development contracts, web site development, release of multimedia works and new media contents

Licensing of relevant technology (patents, trade secrets), especially in multimedia sector.

Criminal law

Compliance, models of organisation, management and control, organisational rules and procedures to prevent crimes, misconduct of employees, Non Disclosure Agreements, as provided by Law Decree 231/2001.

Digital investigation in criminal cases involving computer crimes, interactions with foreign law firms in legal actions abroad.

Online defamation, hate speech and reputation management;

Computer crimes and digital evidence, data protection crimes

IPR related offenses, website banning and filtering, p2p related crimes and investigations

Data Protection and Privacy

Compliance with data processing regulations, especially or exclusively by electronic means, drafting and reviewing of data security plans, engagement of System Administrators and Processors (including cloud providers of SaaS/PaaS), privacy policies.

Corporate compliance to Privacy Laws, security measures, impact assessment (DPIA), relations and inspections by Italian Data Protection Authority (Garante Privacy), ISO/IEC 27001 auditing preparation.

Cloud Computing legal issues: geographical data segregation, supply chain, civil, criminal and administrative liabilities, security measures, terms of services compliance.

ISO/IEC 27001 compliance, security aspects for employees joining, moving and leaving an organisation, internal policies related to security of information systems, corporate devices policies, employee surveillance.

Online Services and E-commerce

Online derogation of corporations’ and individuals’ image, especially in services of the Information Society, obtaining a landmark decisions on automated services offered by ISPs.

Checking compliance of online services with the e-commerce rules

European Projects and public outreach activities on release of public data as open data; advice on licensing conditions, also of private entities and international bodies and associations. ademarks).

Drafting terms of service of innovative initiatives, dealing with data protection, ecommerce, opposing rights (such as copyright, database rights, trademarks).

Trademarks and Domain Names

Advice on drafting Trademark Policies; enforcement of trademarks worldwide; ADR and litigation against cybersquatting, typosquatting; defence against reverse hijacking of TM and domains.

Trademarks and domain names protection, strategic advice, for business, communities and projects.

Registration of trademarks, directly at CTM and worldwide through a leading service provider.

Where we are

Array Milano

Galleria del Corso 1
20122 Milano
ph. +39 02 8718 6019
fax deprecated

Array Vicenza

Contrà Riale 6
36100 Vicenza
ph. +39 0444 1836651
fax +39 0444 546505

Array Cagliari

Via Agostino di Castelvì 9
09129 Cagliari
ph. +39 070 7966538
fax +39 070 2041360

Blog posts

Carlo Piana, New Chair Person Of The Open Source Initiative

By |October 6th, 2023|Categories: free software, open source|

The Open Source Initative (OSI) has announced that Carlo Piana is the new Chair of the Board. OSI is the 25-years established steward of the [...]


By |November 4th, 2022|Categories: FLOSS, free software, open source|

This year around, Carlo Piana and Alberto Pianon will be presenting at SFScon22: https://www.sfscon.it/talks/yocto-with-great-power-comes-legal-headache/

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